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Cuyahoga County Jail Coalition has community-led working groups that drive decisions and create actions for the group. Sign up today and we'll bring you in to the community and work.

Volunteer Working Groups


This working group for relaying current information to the people, aka external communications. This team will be in charge of the upkeep of the website and social media, making sure that meeting information is sent out, maintaining relationships with our media/press contacts and sometimes assisting with content/video creation

Mass Movement & Base-Building

This working group serves to onboard our community into the Coalition. We meet bi-weekly to prepare agendas for monthly meetings, plan political educations, and teach abolition.

Arts and Culture

Since the beginning of time humans have used art as a form of expressing the societal conditions, espacially the turmoil/ opression people face. Art can be used as a form of activism and a way of healing. This group is comprised of artists and culture makers/creatives of all mediums shocasing the conditions of mass-incarceration and the carceral system on a personal and collective level. Responsibilites may include applying for grants, helping set up, creating and or assisting others in creation.


The research team is responsible for keeping informstion up to date and being in the know. This includes analizing new bills/proposals, conducting interviews with incarcerated and fomrerly incarcerated on how the system is, and keeping data and record of the jail and prison system.

 Cuyahoga County 

© 2023 by Cuyahoga County Jail Coalition. 

Towards a Cuyahoga of Care, Not Cages!

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